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Recent activity by Hannah-Rayson Recent activity Votes
  • How do I use the Share Links in Sparkyard?

    One really useful feature of Sparkyard is the ability to generate Share Links. These are URLs that you can email to children or parents, or add to your virtual learning environment, that will allow...

  • What does a "session" mean in the Sparkyard curriculum?

    The Sparkyard curriculum is divided into sessions, but we know that lots of teachers organise their teaching in different ways to suit their children. You might spread the content of a session over...

  • How can I use the steps in the Sparkyard music curriculum?

    The Sparkyard music curriculum aims to provide flexibility and choice and to give teachers a range of options for delivering the music curriculum Steps: Each term is organised into steps and within...

  • Can I download MP3s, PDFs and other resources from Sparkyard?

    You cannot download MP3s from the Sparkyard platform.  You can download PDFs of lyrics or music scores.  To do this follow these steps: Navigate to the song you wish to download the lyrics or musi...

  • Do you have information about the vocabulary progression in the Sparkyard Music Curriculum?

    Every lesson in Sparkyard includes key and useful vocabulary. Many schools use this as their starting point for identifying the key vocabulary they want their children to know and understand across...

  • Can I print off the lesson plans from Sparkyard?

    We wanted to create a music curriculum with built-in flexibility, allowing schools to create a sequence of learning that was suitable for their setting. This flexibility is enjoyed by many of our s...

  • Is the Sparkyard music curriculum only for the English Music Curriculum?

    The Sparkyard Music Curriculum was crafted with consideration of the music curricula across all UK nations. Designed for flexibility, it offers teachers a wide range of activities that can be tailo...

  • How do I create a playlist?

    In this video Naomi shows you how to create a playlist in Sparkyard:   You can create a playlist for any ocassion using Sparkyard by following these steps. To create a playlist: Step 1 - You can c...

  • Does Sparkyard provide instrument tuition (tuned or untuned)?

    We believe singing is the most accessible and effective route to musical learning and fostering a love of music. Many schools will develop a comprehensive musical offering for their children where ...

  • How can I change the email on my Sparkyard account?

    Click on your avatar (either a picture you’ve added, or a little head and shoulders icon) in the top right-hand corner of the Sparkyard screen, and then select “Manage Account” Click on the button...