The Sparkyard music curriculum aims to provide flexibility and choice and to give teachers a range of options for delivering the music curriculum
Steps: Each term is organised into steps and within each step, there is a choice of lesson activity. You don’t have to complete every lesson in every step but choose the ones to suit you.
There are many different options, but you can spread the steps over the course of the term, arranging to suit the needs of your school and class. Or, you can mix & match content from different lessons!
For more details, you can take a look at the following documents, which can be found in the green banner at the top of the Music Curriculum page on Sparkyard:
Year Overviews: Here, you can see ‘at a glance’ what is being covered,
Skills progression: We have identified the key skills that are covered in each term. These are available on the skills progression grids.
If you'd like even more information, or a chance to ask questions directly, why not join one of our Sparkyard Music Curriculum workshops?
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