We believe singing is the most accessible and effective route to musical learning and fostering a love of music. Many schools will develop a comprehensive musical offering for their children where the voice is the main instrument. This is highlighted in the recent Ofsted review: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/subject-report-series-music/striking-the-right-note-the-music-subject-report
Alongside, this our curriculum provides regular opportunities for children to developing their playing skills: using classroom percussion (tuned and untuned) as well as body percussion.
We have included some instrumental parts for particular songs and simple tuned parts for some lessons. We will add more in time.
The curriculum overviews are useful starting point – these show content covered in each lesson and a useful skills progression document for each year group. You will be able to find these on the music curriculum page (whether you are a subscriber or in a free trial) in the green banner near the top of the page.
Please note: We don’t provide a whole class instrumental unit for specific instruments.
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